

How to Recover Money from Patients When Out-of-Network Insurance Sends Checks Directly to Patients

Let’s paint a scenario: You’re a healthcare provider out of network with an insurance company...

Patients Inundated with Too Many Appointment Reminders

Patients inundated with too many appointment reminders face a myriad of challenges that can greatly...

What are the Common Challenges in Mental Health Billing

For mental health providers such as therapists, psychiatrists, and other clinicians, understanding...

Why Do Mental Health Claims Get Denied? 10 Reasons

Mental health is a critical aspect of an individual’s overall health and well-being. However...

Medical Billing and Coding Services

Medical billing and coding are generally used in the same sentence synonymously. While they are the...

Part 3 – Practice Key Performance Indicators – CLINICAL

By Chandresh J. Shah   Clinical Practice Key Performance Indicators –  Part-3 Growing a...