

Is Practice Fusion the Next Victim? Why Should You Care?

“Not good enough to pay for,” a physician client told me in a recent conversation...

Fighting Physician Burnout – Don’t Blame EHR or Healthcare IT

The Healthcare IT News article “Fighting Physician Burnout: How Tech Can Undo the Damage Done by...

How Much for EMR? Nickel and Dime?

I had written about how much you should pay for an EHR system. I would like to talk about the...

How Much Should You Pay for EHR?

They range from $0 (Practice Fusion) to $800 per provider per month. Most EHR systems charge a...

A Pre-Judgement Problem – Why Most Practices Select Wrong EMR/EHR

For most companies, businesses, medical practices included, success depends a lot on the team that...

Small Independent Medical Practice Financial Analysis and Reporting

How do you keep track of the financial health of your practice? Providers in small private practices...