

Patient Centric Medical Record and Patient Centric EHR

So much is now being written about the need for EHR systems to be patient-centric. At the very...

Web based EMR and EHR – Same Features, Similar Pricing, But…

Show me one Web EMR that is so dramatically different that you will scream – “Wow...

Is Your EMR Ready for ICD-10? Are You Ready for ICD-10?

Understanding the two questions is extremely important. Let me repeat: Is your EMR Ready for ICD-10?...

Great Customer Experiences are Hard to Find

I was at a Michelin Star Restaurant in Manhattan yesterday with my family. We wanted to go to this...

Lessons Learnt from Obamacare HIT Website for EHR Implementation

The Obamacare HIT Website noise has reached a deafening level. So much, so that news media had...

Why Doctors buy the Wrong EMR Software?

I am amazed at the number of calls I get from small practices and physicians that are not happy with...